William Optics ZenithStar 61 MARK II f/5.9 APO Refractor Telescope ZS61
CLEARANCE PRICING NOW ON - While Limited stocks last!
The William Optics Zenithstar 61 II APO features an air-spaced doublet lens with fully multi-coated optics and an Ohara FPL-53 ED glass element for sharp, high contrast images virtually free of false-colour.
New MARKII version!
Add the FLAT61A 1.0x Flattener here.
Add the FLAT61R 0.8x Flattener here.
Add a T mount for your DSLR camera here.
Carrying case is included.
Provides high resolution images when used for astrophotography or wildlife photography and is a convenient ultra-portable telescope for visual astronomy.
The fast f/5.9 focal ratio and compact size make it ideal for convenient wide field astrophotography or piggybacking.
CNC machined aluminium for a superior fit and finish.
Dual speed 2" 1:10 R&P focuser.
Cat saddle handle bar is compatible with William Optics's Uniguide guide scopes and other Vixen sized accessories.
Comes with Built-in patented clear Bahtinov mask for easy razor sharp focus.
The FLAT61A flattener (1X) is recommended for full frame cameras.
The FLAT61R flattener/reducer (0.8X) is suitable for APS-C cameras only and provide an ultra-fast F4.7 telescope with your crop sensor imaging tool.